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Skin Care Academy

Brazilian Laser Hair Removal: What to Expect

May 23, 2024

Summer is just around the corner, and the word on everybody’s lips is Brazilian laser hair removal. This treatment eliminates unwanted hair from the most intimate areas, leaving behind smooth skin for the long term.

As the most trusted clinic in Vancouver Island, Brazilian laser hair removal treatments at Discovery Laser are incredibly popular. They also raise a lot of questions! In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about achieving lasting smoothness down there.

What Is Brazilian Laser Hair Removal?

Brazilian laser hair removal is a treatment that eliminates unwanted hair from the pubic area. It’s a comprehensive hair removal option that targets the hair growing on the pubic mound, around the genitals, and the perianal area.

Unlike other hair removal treatments, laser hair removal provides lasting results. The treatment works by zapping the skin with a very concentrated beam that penetrates right down to the base of the hair follicle. The melanin in the root of the hair absorbs the light, which creates a targeted thermal reaction. The laser damages the hair follicle in such a way that prevents it from growing new hair.

For this reaction to happen, however, the hair bulb must be connected to the dermal papilla at the base of the follicle, also known as the active growth stage. Because only a percentage of hairs are in the growth phase at the same time, hair reduction is gradual over the course of multiple treatments.

Types of Brazilian Laser Hair Removal

Usually, when we say Brazilian laser hair removal, we’re talking about total smoothness from front to back. That said, there are a few different terms you might run into from clinic to clinic, so to avoid confusion, here are the main “types” of Brazilian laser hair removal:

  • Brazilian: This refers to the removal of all hair from the treatment areas, but many clients choose to leave a triangle or strip of hair at the front.
  • Hollywood or full Brazilian laser hair removal: These two terms always refer to the total removal of hair from the pubic area, resulting in a bare look.
  • Manzilian or brozilian: These colloquial terms refer to Brazilian laser hair removal treatments for men, although “Brazilian” is unisex and perfectly sufficient!

Brazilian Laser Hair Removal Prep and Aftercare

How you take care of your skin before and after your Brazilian laser hair removal treatment has a big impact on how your skin reacts to the treatment, and whether you’ll have any side effects. For your safety, here are our pre and aftercare suggestions.

Before Your Brazilian Treatment

  1. Review all forms. Let your provider know about your medical history.
  2. Avoid sun exposure, spray tans, and sunless tanners, as any discoloration or tan can reduce the safety and efficacy of your laser treatment.
  3. Avoid using any topical skincare products or treatments that exfoliate or resurface the skin, as that may increase your risk of irritation following treatment.
  4. Shave the day before your Brazilian laser hair removal treatment, to ensure the light can easily penetrate down to the root.
  5. Wear loose bottoms and cotton underwear on the day of your appointment. Wearing tight-fitting clothes over the treatment area can chafe against the skin and lead to irritation.

After Your Brazilian Treatment

  1. A little bit of redness and swelling is perfectly normal after Brazilian laser hair removal, and will usually dissipate within a few days if not sooner. You may also notice that only your hair follicles seem irritated, which is a normal side effect called follicular edema.
  2. Avoid exposing the treated area to sunlight in the first few days after your treatment. After that, make sure to wear sunscreen when going outside in swimwear.
  3. Avoid activities that can raise your body temperature for a few days after your treatment. That includes intense exercise, saunas, jacuzzis, hot yoga, and more.
  4. Avoid using fragranced lotions or deodorants in the treatment area.
  5. If your skin feels tender, moisturize with fragrance-free post-treatment lotions or use an ice pack to soothe the area.


Does Brazilian laser hair removal hurt?

Brazilian laser hair removal can hurt a little, but this varies greatly from person to person. Discovery Laser now uses Cynosure’s Lutronic Clarity II, which has sophisticated Skin Cooling technology with sensors to ensure the treatment never gets too painful.

What’s the difference between a bikini and Brazilian laser hair removal?

Bikini laser hair removal is a quick treatment that targets any hair that might be visible when wearing bikini-style bottoms. On the other hand, full Brazilian laser hair removal treatments target all or most hair growing in the pubic region and perianal area.

How many treatment sessions will I need?

The number of treatment sessions needed varies widely from patient to patient, based on factors like hormones, genetics, skin sensitivity, and more. Most of our clients achieve their desired laser hair removal results within 6 to 12 treatments.

Can men get Brazilian laser hair removal?

Yes! Laser hair removal is for everyone, regardless of gender or skin type. Male Brazilian laser hair removal treatments target all hair growing in the pubic region, including the pubic mound, around the shaft, over the scrotum, and between the buttocks. At Discovery Laser, our Vancouver Island Brazilian laser hair removal pricing is consistent regardless of gender or anatomy.

Brazilian Laser Hair Removal in Vancouver Island

Are you looking to get your Brazilian laser hair removal around Vancouver Island? We’ll be happy to welcome you to Discovery Laser, where aesthetic laser treatments are our specialty.

Our laser technicians and nurses have seen it all, and they can’t wait to usher you into a world of smoothness. We know you might have concerns about getting a Brazilian treatment for the first time. That’s why we’re ready to answer your questions and make you feel comfortable. Go ahead and get in touch with us or use our booking portal to schedule your appointment.

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