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Skin Care Academy

Under Eye Filler: How it Works, Safety, Pricing, and More

November 28, 2023

If you find that the area under your eyes looks tired or hollow, you might be considering under eye filler. This quick and easy treatment immediately plumps up the skin under the eyes, brightening the area and smoothing out wrinkles from below. 

As with any advanced beauty treatment, it makes sense to be curious about how under eye filler works, whether it’s safe, and how much it costs – we’ll cover all of that in this post! 


What Is Under Eye Filler? 

Under eye filler is a cosmetic injectable that adds volume to the hollows underneath the eyes. During the treatment, a gel made of cross-linked hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin. This soft, pliant gel helps to attract moisture to the area under the eyes, adding subtle volume and plumpness. 

It’s ideal for those who experience hollowness under the eyes or have visible under eye circles as a result of overly thin skin. It can also help fill in wrinkles. 


For How Long Do Under Eye Fillers Last?

Under eye fillers normally last between 9 months and up to a year. Because they’re made of hyaluronic acid, the body metabolizes them naturally. In some cases, the hyaluronic acid boosts moisture and helps develop collagen in the under eye area, which leads to more lasting results. 


Is Under Eye Filler Safe?

Yes! As long as it’s injected by a qualified, experienced medical practitioner, under eye filler is perfectly safe. It has very minor side effects, such as temporary bruising and swelling. The risk of complications is fairly low, and often directly related to the skill and experience level of the injector. 


Under Eye Filler Before and After 

Before your under eye filler appointment, it’s important to come fresh and ready, ideally with clean skin. The skin in the treatment area should be in good shape, without active inflammation. Getting the filler is an easy and relatively painless process that often only takes around 15 minutes. 

After getting under eye filler, however, you might experience some swelling, mild bruising, or pain. You can apply ice to the under eye area to help calm it down but avoid any rubbing or massage. Avoid making exaggerated facial movements for a few days after the treatment, as well. Limit alcohol consumption, stay out of the sun, and avoid activities in extreme temperatures such as hot yoga. 


Under Eye Filler Prices

Under eye filler prices usually range between $790 and $1500. The costs can vary based on a number of factors, including the type of filler being used and the quantity that needs to be injected. We invite you to reach out and schedule a consultation with our skilled medical injector to discover the pricing details for your precise needs


Under Eye Filler Migration – Should I Worry?

You may have heard of horror stories of filler gone wrong. Under eye filler migration is one of those horror stories, and while it’s a possible complication, it’s not very common. 

Migration means that the filler moves, either down into the cheeks where it can be dissolved or closer to the eyes which may require medical attention. That said, the likelihood that under eye filler migration will occur is directly related to the injector’s expertise and understanding of facial anatomy, which is why it’s so important to select your provider with care. 


Alternatives to Filler

Maybe you know you want an under eye treatment that’ll help perk you up, but under eye filler doesn’t sound quite right. If you’re having that thought, here are a few other treatments to consider.



PRF stands for platelet-rich fibrin, and it’s like using your body’s own regenerative compounds to fill in the undereye area. Research shows that PRF around the eyes is effective at reducing wrinkles of all sizes and that it helps reduce hyperpigmentation. 


RF Microneedling 

Boost your eye area’s collagen levels with an RF microneedling treatment. Advanced technologies like SylfirmX make it possible to treat the delicate skin around the eyes with one of the most effective collagen-induction methods. RF microneedling has been found to effectively reduce wrinkles and improve skin tone



If your primary concern is crow’s feet in the corner of your eyes, you might want to consider cosmetic Botox. This neuromodulator prevents the muscle contractions that cause those fine lines to form, so it effectively erases them with one treatment. 


Under Eye Filler in Campbell River, BC

With just a vial or two of under eye filler, you can vanish those dark circles and kiss wrinkles goodbye. As the top aesthetic clinic in Campbell River, we welcome you to visit us and discover just how effective and subtle great filler can be. 

At Discovery Laser, we believe in a targeted, careful approach to aesthetic injections, based on each client’s unique eye shape. If that sounds like the treatment for you, go ahead and schedule an appointment

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